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Unique academic offering in legal area with emphasis in research & case methodology.

Our model:
• Research & research methodology from day one
• Case Methodology (traditionally used in business schools)
• Focus in business, economic analysis of the law and innovative solutions to common issues
• A coordinator that takes class with the students and serves as a link between students and teachers

Master in Law of Business Transactions


The Master's Degree in Law of Business Transactions is a postgraduate program created with the purpose of training professionals in the key aspects of business transactions, in order for them to acquire specialized legal knowledge for their integral practice, encompassing the wide diversity of such and their different scope, whether it includes national or transnational elements. Additionally, it provides the essential technical skills to solve problems related to the aforementioned transactions, from a design, administration and strategic execution point of view


Provide professionals with legal background and other related professions, with the necessary legal training for the execution of business transactions

Generate the scientific and technical knowledge necessary for business transactions from a legal, strategic and financial perspective

Complement previous studies with the implementation of a critical, analytical, and practical business transaction outlook

Prevent, manage and minimize the risks that are generated during the execution of transactions by identifying fiscal, legal, financial and economic contingencies.

Provide a strategic and innovative perspective for the creation, administration and execution of business, generating and applying new legal knowledge    

Who is it for?

The Masters is directed towards all business administration, economics, financial management or accounting, and finance and business professionals, as well as all law professionals who are specialized in business law. This multidisciplinary view enables its members with dynamic knowledge, not only from the theoretical legal perspective, but also from the technical and practical knowledge of transactions. Consequently, it is not limited to the aforementioned professionals, but is open to receiving all professionals related to its purpose

Academic Staff

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Master in Public Economic Law

The Master in Public Economic Law is an interdisciplinary focused program that aims to provide the alumni with the necessary tools to add value to diverse economic agents, by studying the relation between Law & Economics and the value of their synergy in the analysis and solution of law related problems. Through professional expertise and scientific rigor, we aim to comprehend the interrelation of the microeconomic applications in the design & implementation of public policies & understand the value of the norms as incentives for rational behaviour 




Specialise professionals offering them the tools to apply and propose rules that impact favourably the development of markets and overall well-being  


Enable business lawyers with the necessary knowledge that will allow them to properly represent the interests of private entities, in a constantly changing and evolving regulatory environment


Train lawyers of the public sector in the determination of the impact regulatory policies have over market activities

Encourage the generation of research in the area of Public Economic Law

Add value to society, facilitating the balance between state regulations & the freedom of enterprise

Directed to

Law professional that serves in the public sector, in regulatory entities, as well as in the private sector, in regulated entities.  The candidate will be able to see issues from the optics of a private entrepreneur, as well as from the optics of a state regulator of private activity, which will allow to reach balanced solutions that take into consideration all interests involved in economic activities

Academic Staff

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Master in Legal Strategy


The Master in Legal Strategy focuses on the legal architecture that supports the clients´ strategy. The program provides the Law professional with the necessary skills & tools to detect, understand & support the client in the achievement of its goals, and eventually in the determination of its business strategy.  The goal is to build from Legal Sciences & other disciplines, the knowledge required to develop skills in the design of strategies & structures,  and the appropriate execution methodology to support the client in the attainment of his goals through the wise & innovative use of the available legal instruments, and the identification, capture and generation of legal advantages


Promote the tools for the design & implementation of the legal strategy 

Highlight the importance the Law has in attaining the strategic objectives of the client

Transcend from a dimension oriented towards the development of knowledge to one of development of skills

Highlight the value of a systematic multidisciplinary study

Promote research in topics relating to legal strategy

Build research, study & execution methodologies using case study method as a benchmark

Train lawyers in the use of Strategy as a business discipline oriented to create & capitalize competitive advantages 

Who is it for?

The Master in Legal Strategy of IOMG is aimed towards the Law professional with responsibilities or vocation of supporting the client (internal & external) in the definition and reach of the business objectives through multidisciplinary & legal tools, and with the interest of contributing to the development of this practice through his own research and creations 

Academic Staff



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Instituto OMG


T: 809.533.8826

Rafael Augusto Sánchez 86,
Roble Corporate Center,

9th Floor, Piantini
Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom. 

C.P. 10148

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