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Christian Molina

Christian Molina


Socio de la oficina de República Dominicana de ECIJA en las áreas de Fideicomiso, Banca y Finanzas, Mercados de Capitales, Inmobiliario, Construcción, Infraestructura y Alianzas Público Privadas, Turismo, Corporativo y Fusiones y Adquisiciones; y es Presidente Ejecutivo de la Asociación de Fiduciarias Dominicanas (ASOFIDOM).

Fungió como Gerente General de una de las principales fiduciarias del país, donde tenía bajo su administración un patrimonio de más de RD$43,000 Millones de Pesos Dominicanos distribuidos en más de 150 fideicomisos, entre los cuales se encuentran fideicomisos estatales, de desarrollo inmobiliario, oferta pública de valores, sucesorales, garantía y fuente de pago, entre otros.

Egresado Magna Cum Laude de la Universidad Iberoamericana (Unibe), y de la escuela de derecho de Boston University (LLM American Law, International Business Practice y Fiduciary Law), donde recibió la distinción máxima del Outstanding Achievement Award. También ha realizado cursos sobre gobierno corporativo y sucesión de empresas familiares en Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Ha sido reconocido por Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, e incluido en varias ediciones del Ranking 40 under 40 de Revista Mercado.


Partner in the Dominican Republic office of ECIJA in the areas of Trust, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Real Estate, Construction, Infrastructure and Public-Private Partnerships, Tourism, Corporate and Mergers and Acquisitions; and he is Executive President of the Dominican Trust Association (ASOFIDOM).

He served as General Manager of one of the main trusts in the country, where he had under his administration an equity of more than RD $ 43,000 Million of Dominican Pesos distributed in more than 150 trusts, among which are state trusts, real estate development, public offering of securities, successors, guarantee and source of payment, among others.

Graduated Magna Cum Laude from the Universidad Iberoamericana (Unibe), and from the Boston University Law School (LLM American Law, International Business Practice and Fiduciary Law), where he received the highest distinction of the Outstanding Achievement Award. He has also taken courses on corporate governance and family business succession at the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.

Has been recognized by Legal 500, Chambers & Partners, and included in several editions of Mercado Magazine's Ranking 40 under 40.

Instituto OMG


T: 809.533.8826

Rafael Augusto Sánchez 86,
Roble Corporate Center,

9th Floor, Piantini
Santo Domingo, Rep. Dom. 

C.P. 10148

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